7 Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

The practice of yoga has been around for centuries, and for good reason. It has numerous health benefits, including weight loss. If you’re looking to shed some pounds, certain yoga poses can help you achieve your goal. In this blog, we’ll highlight the best yoga poses for weight loss, explaining how each pose can help you burn calories and shed excess weight. So grab your yoga mat and get ready to discover the top poses for weight loss.

Regular exercise keeps the body moving and helps to keep muscles from getting stiff. A study found that regular exercise can cut the risk of serious diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, and cancer by up to 30%.

It can help you sleep better, feel better about yourself, and have more energy. But being aware is also important if you want to stay on the hard road to weight loss. When you do yoga poses for weight loss, you get the best of both worlds. It is a good way to work out and helps the mind and body work together.

Does yoga help you lose weight?

When yoga is combined with mindful eating, it can help people lose weight in a big way. Two main things help people lose weight: eating well and working out regularly. When doing yoga to lose belly fat, it’s important to pay attention to how nutritious the food you eat is.

Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

yoga poses for weight loss
yoga poses for weight loss

Yoga alone won’t help you lose weight. To lose weight, eating well and doing different yoga poses are important. Here are a few of these positions; you can read about how to do them.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose) ‌‌

The downward dog pose strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the biceps and arm muscles. It’s a pose that lets you carry weight. It can also relax between two exercises because it is a transition pose.

  • Start by getting on all fours, which is the dog pose. Spread your collarbone and curl your toes to make your legs look straighter.
  • Move your shoulders aside from your ears and toward your hips. As you do this, you will feel the weight shift off your arms.
  • Shift your weight to your quadriceps and keep your rear end up. This is the pose used to rest. Also, turn your thighs in and keep your heels on the ground.
  • Make sure the distance between your hands and feet is right since this affects how the weight is spread.
  • Let out a breath and bend your knees to return to a normal position. Come back to your hands and feet and slowly sit up. ‌‌

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose)

The Dolphin pose makes the triceps and biceps stronger. It also helps the body stay in balance. ‌‌

  • Set your body up in the downward-facing dog pose to start. Bring your elbows, upper arms, and hands on the yoga mat, so they are the same distance apart as your shoulders.
  • Slide your knees under your hips and maintain your upper arms in line with each other. Raise your shoulders, so they move out evenly from your elbows.
  • You lifted the shoulders and hips evenly so your neck could relax and lengthen. To open up the hamstrings, move the top of the thighs toward the back legs.
  • Now, your arms up to your elbows support you. Don’t move your upper arms or wrists. Keep your tail up as your shoulders move toward the middle of your body.
  • Slowly, as the hips move up and the shoulders move toward the middle, the body will start to feel lighter. Hold this pose for a couple of seconds before letting out your breath. Return to your knees to rest. ‌‌

Simhasana (Lion Pose)

Simhasana is a yoga pose known to reduce anxiety and tone facial muscles. Everyone, no matter their age or gender, can do these yoga poses for weight loss for beginners. Start with Virasana by putting your knees wide apart and crossing your ankles. Now, tuck both heels into the pelvic area, ensuring no space between them.

  • Place both palms on the yoga mat before or between your thighs.
  • Your spine gets longer when you keep it straight from top to bottom.
  • Take a deep breath in, and let your stomach grow as you do so.
  • Start breathing out, and stick your tongue out as far as you can when you’re done.
  • Now, do the pose again, but this time switches the ankles. Try taking deeper breaths in and out with each repetition.

Bharadvajasana (Seated Twist Pose) ‌‌

With the Seated Twist pose, the upper body is stretched, which makes the shoulders and upper body more flexible. It also helps the body digest food and gets rid of waste. It is a pose that is in the middle.

  • Stretching your legs in front of you, sit up straight. Move to the right and bend your knees, so your feet are close to your left hip. Your left ankle would then rest on your right foot.
  • Stretch your back out and breathe in. Turn to your right and let out a breath.
  • Maintain your left arm on the side you’re turning, palm down. Wrap your right arm around your left arm from behind.
  • Keep the twist in place for a few seconds. Breathe. Make it last longer, and change the angle every time you do it.
  • With an exhalation, get out of the pose. ‌‌

Navasana (Boat Pose)

In this position, your body will be trying to stay in balance. The side of the tail becomes your point of balance. It can help you lose belly fat, and people who want toned abs do it. It is a great way to work out your stomach. ‌‌

  • Straighten up and put your legs out in front of you.
  • Stretch your arms forward and lift your legs slowly.
  • The weight should be evenly distributed, with the midriff area as the base.
  • Hold the pose for as many seconds as you want before going back to your normal position. ‌‌

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

The Matsyasana is a stretching exercise for the lower body, hips, abdomen, thighs, and intestines. ‌‌

  • In Savasana, you lie down on your yoga mat.
  • Stretch your feet and ankles toward the wall, with your toes facing the wall.
  • Put your arms in a straight line with your body. Lift your upper body slowly and rest it on your elbows.
  • Let your elbows come closer to your body. Let the elbows move closer to the body so that they support it and are closest to it.
  • Put your hands under your hips. Then, with your upper body off the ground, lower your head so that everything looks even.

Anantasana (Vishnu’s Couch Pose) ‌‌

The Anantasana improves the body’s flexibility and helps blood flow and digestion. It also makes the side and abdominal muscles stronger. ‌‌

  • Lay on your left side so your left elbow is bent and your head and body weight is supported.
  • Spread your legs apart so that your right leg points straight up.
  • Now slowly raise your right arm and try to grab your right foot’s toes.
  • Keep the position for a while. Exhale and go back to your regular pose.

Boat Pose (Navasana)

Boat Pose, also known as Navasana, is a challenging yoga pose that requires balance, strength, and flexibility.

It resembles sitting on an imaginary chair, with the legs lifted off the ground and held parallel to the floor.

This pose engages the core muscles and helps build core strength, making it a great exercise for toning the abdominal muscles and improving overall body balance.

Additionally, Boat Pose stimulates the thyroid gland, which plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism and promoting weight loss.

By enhancing blood circulation and activating the entire body, this pose also supports the burning of excess fat.

To achieve the proper form of Boat Pose, it is important to sit on the floor with the legs extended straight in front of you.

Bend the knees and lift the legs, aiming to have the shins parallel to the floor. Gradually straighten the arms alongside the legs, reaching towards the toes.

Keep the spine long and the chest lifted throughout the pose. It is important to listen to your body and avoid straining or overexerting yourself.

As with any yoga practice, it is recommended to start with a warm-up and incorporate Boat Pose as part of a sequence or a series of 10 yoga poses for faster results.

Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

Plank Pose, also known as Phalakasana, is a fundamental yoga pose that is often incorporated into power yoga sequences.

In Plank Pose, one assumes a position similar to a push-up, with the body in a straight line, supported by the hands and the balls of the feet.

This pose engages multiple muscle groups, including the core, arms, shoulders, and legs. It is considered to be one of the most effective yoga poses for faster weight loss as it helps to strengthen and tone the entire body.

By practicing yoga regularly, individuals can not only achieve physical fitness but also experience mental and emotional well-being.

Yoga can help in increasing body awareness, reducing stress levels, and improving overall flexibility and balance.

Modifications and progressions in Plank Pose can be made to suit different fitness levels. Beginners can start with modified variations such as performing the pose with knees on the ground or using a chair for support.

As their strength and stability improve, they can progress to the full pose and explore more advanced yoga postures.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Bridge Pose, also known as Setu Bandhasana, is a popular asana in the sun salutation sequence practiced in yoga.

This pose is highly recommended by yoga teachers for individuals suffering from back pain, as it helps stretch and strengthen the spine.

Furthermore, Bridge Pose is beneficial for weight loss. By engaging the core muscles and opening up the chest and shoulders, this asana can help burn fat and tone the abdominal area.

To perform Bridge Pose effectively, one should start by lying on their back, bending the knees, and placing the feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.

Pressing the feet firmly into the mat, lift the hips off the ground, clasping the hands together underneath the body for support.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds to a minute, focusing on breathing deeply and relaxing the body.

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Tree Pose, also known as Vrksasana, is a popular yoga pose that provides numerous benefits to both the mind and body.

This pose involves standing on one leg with the other foot resting on the inner thigh of the standing leg, resembling a tree.

By practicing Tree Pose regularly, one can improve balance and stability, reinforcing the muscles of the feet, ankles, and legs.

Additionally, this pose requires strong engagement of the core, which helps to burn calories and contribute to weight loss.

To find stability and ease in Tree Pose, it is recommended to focus on a fixed point, lengthen the spine, and engage the core for support.


In wrapping up, integrating yoga into your daily routine can yield positive outcomes in your weight loss journey. It’s crucial to bear in mind the best yoga poses for weight loss, encompassing the likes of downward dog, plank pose, and warrior pose.

These asanas, specifically curated for weight loss, serve to enhance fat burning, particularly when practiced within a dynamic power yoga routine.

These postures engage the body’s muscles, contributing to toning and strengthening while simultaneously augmenting flexibility and balance.

To optimize the benefits, maintaining a consistent yoga practice is of paramount importance. Patience is a virtue in this process, as outcomes may not materialize overnight. However, steadfast dedication to these yoga poses can pave the way toward achieving weight loss objectives.

Remember, the efficacy of yoga in facilitating weight loss isn’t an instant phenomenon, but rather a journey that unfolds over time.

As you engage in these purposeful poses, guided by a certified yoga teacher or experienced yoga instructor, you’re harnessing a holistic weight loss tool that extends beyond the superficial.

Whether your aim is to reduce belly fat, tone your arms, or enhance your body’s overall health, yoga’s benefits encompass a myriad of facets.

As you hold positions like adho mukha svanasana and execute challenging poses, your body’s metabolism is invigorated, aiding in the burn of calories and fat.

Moreover, yoga’s impact goes beyond physicality; it improves blood circulation, bolsters digestion, and nurtures the mind-body connection.

It’s noteworthy that while the road to weight loss requires patience and persistence, yoga remains an effective partner in this journey.

While practicing these 10 yoga poses for faster weight loss, you’re addressing various dimensions of fitness, including body weight, muscle toning, and reducing fat deposits. Each yoga session contributes to calorie burn and advances your progress, even targeting stubborn areas like the belly and back.

Ultimately, by incorporating yoga into your daily routine, you’re embracing a sustainable approach to weight loss that works holistically, with effects extending to your overall well-being.

So, embark on this yoga workout with determination and dedication, and watch as the subtle changes accumulate into tangible weight loss results over time.